Name: Robin Date: 04/19/2010 Message: Amazing!!!!!! I read The 13th Hour faster than I've ever read a book before. Thank you for such a great story. Name: Nelson Tavares Date: 04/14/2010 Message: Just picked up and read The 13th Hour Honestly have to say top ten books I've ever read, had to read thieves books once I finished You've been added to my top Five list of favorite Authors Name: Jennifer and Rob Date: 04/12/2010 Message: We battled over your book, I won. It was great, Rob thought it was better than great but he always has to top me. Looking forward to The Thieves of Darkness. Name: Denise Date: 04/08/2010 Message: Just saw you have another book coming out this summer, I wish all my favorite authors had two books a year. I can't wait!! Name: Sam Posner Date: 04/02/2010 Message: Hey Richard, Your books amaze me, each one is better than the last. So glad you're doing two a year. Name: judy swartz Date: 03/29/2010 Message: I'm just about done reading The thieves from heaven on my kindle and I have recomended this to my fellow readers. I can't wait to read all your books, Please keep them coming. You have so much talent, I'm really glad to have come across your name Name: Michael Prattori Date: 03/27/2010 Message: Will you being doing a contest for The Thieves of Darkness? The 13th Hour is my favorite book but I wasn't smart enough to figure out your contest. Name: Mysterina Date: 03/26/2010 Message: Half Past Dawn? How many books a year do you write? You should be in movies instead of writing them!!! Smart, talented, athletic, and handsome. I hope I'm not too forward, I just call them as I see them. I so love your writing!!! Name: Josh Date: 03/23/2010 Message: So original and so much fun. You kept me on the edge of my seat. Can't wait to read your other stuff. Name: Nita Date: 03/20/2010 Message: Great book! So much more than I expected. |