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 Guest Book 

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Name: Sandra
Date: 12/27/2009
Message: 2 DAYSSSS

Name: Kristy Ward
Date: 12/25/2009
Message: Merry Christmas! I got a Borders gift card in my stocking that I'm holding onto until the 29th to get YOUR book. 4 days left til the fun begins!!

Name: Ben
Date: 12/24/2009
Message: F-I-V-E

Name: Sue Etly
Date: 12/23/2009
Message: I see a theme. Six days. The reviews and videos have me drooling. Congratulations on what is sure to be the book of 2010.

Name: Louisa
Date: 12/22/2009
Message: 7 days...

Name: Campbell
Date: 12/21/2009
Message: EIGHT DAYS!!!!!

Name: Curtis
Date: 12/20/2009
Message: NINE DAYs. Only Nine days until the rest of us get to read what everyone is raving about!!!

Name: The Ryan Family
Date: 12/11/2009
Message: We just ordered 5 copies as belated Christmas gifts

Name: Kate
Date: 12/09/2009
Message: i love the thievs of heven it was one of the best books i ever red

Name: Alan
Date: 12/08/2009
Message: The theives books are great, I got everyone at work hooked on them including my 14 yr old son. Can't wait for 13 and darkness. Thanks for the great stories!!

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