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Name: Kari Luedtke
Date: 06/21/2009
Message: Wow! I ran across your first book on a vacation in Hayword, WI in 2006. I signed your guestbook as #14 two years ago yesterday. Ah, how time flies. I am so happy for you on how your publication and website following has grown. Very well deserved! I love the trivia and FAQ that you have added here. It is so interesting to see where all these beloved characters came from. I eagerly await your next publication. You have a gift. Thank you for sharing it with us!! =)

Name: Shane Briant
Date: 06/11/2009
Message: Great website, Richard. Excellent video. I must ask you who did yours when I see you at Thrillerfest. I will go buy your first book too! Best wishes, S

Name: Matt
Date: 06/03/2009
Message: Absolutely loved Thieves of Heaven and I plan on buying Thieves of Faith shortly, too. Can't wait to see what XIII is all about, and I'll definitely read it and see it when it comes out! Thanks for putting out the amazing books, Richard. Keep 'em coming.

Name: Bill
Date: 06/01/2009
Message: Just ordered the ARC for the 13th Hour. Can't wait. Go REd WIngs!!

Name: Melissa
Date: 05/21/2009
Message: Great cover. Now, when is it coming out?

Name: Jim Glover
Date: 05/17/2009
Message: Absolutely love the Thieves books. Just amazing. Can't wait for the next one and the one after that. Keep up the awesome work!

Name: Sean
Date: 05/14/2009
Message: Loved both books can't wait for more

Name: Erin
Date: 05/09/2009
Message: I've read both books twice, Any chance of posting a the first chapter of your next book on your web site? Please

Name: Kathleen Reynolds
Date: 05/08/2009
Message: I can't wait for The Thirteenth Hour and The Thieves of Darkness!!!!! Any chance we'll get them this summer? You are my fav author Kathleen

Name: Vic Bracken
Date: 05/05/2009
Message: I read your book. made notes. learned alot about traditional religon. thanks

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