Name: Nick Z. Date: 03/19/2008 Message: The Thieves of Faith is the best book I've read in a year. I love the fact that you dare to be different, that you combine action and thrills with history, cool locations, and the bonds of family (though I love the thrills the most). Great book! Name: Jenny Reilson Date: 03/18/2008 Message: Loved both of your books, you are my favorite author. You blow Dan Brown and James Rollins out of the water. Name: Mike Uttley Date: 03/18/2008 Message: Loved The Thieves of Faith even more than your first. I stumbled on it this past weekend, didn't realize it was out. What an incredible story, there were so maay moving parts and surprises yet it never was confusing. You took the thriller to a new level for me. Can't wait to read your next. Name: Kristin Sonia Date: 03/17/2008 Message: It's so nice to see all these comments that echo my feelings about your writing. I just love your books. There is something about them that pulls me in, that makes me look forward to reading again. I just wish you had more books out. Fondly, Kristin Name: Ed Date: 03/17/2008 Message: I love it when I discover a book off the shelf thinking it will be something to fill a little of my time until the next book from my favorite author(s) is released and totally blows me away. Mr. Doetsch is now a must read favorite of mine. Name: Tina Date: 03/14/2008 Message: Wow!!!!! The Book, The Page, You!!! Name: Stacey Date: 03/13/2008 Message: There is nothing better than a book that you love cover to cover and both of your books fit the description. we just got back from a cruise and shared your books, they were great. Name: Jody Kessler Date: 03/13/2008 Message: Mr. Doetsch, I loved both of your books, they were like and educational, thrilling, heart warming vacation. You write the way authors use to write. You put a lot of heart, soul, and research into your work. It's nice to have an author to look forward to again. and let me just add, you are by far the most handsome author i've seen. your headshots are great but your casual pictures in your bio are even better as they prove you are not the product of photo shop. They should put you face on the front cover. Sorry if i embarass you but i'm just being honest. Jody Kessler Name: Ryan Date: 03/13/2008 Message: Glad to see your guest book is working. I just wanted to say what an amazing story The Thieves of Faith was. I was glued to the page. Please keep me updated. Name: Bleu Marceaux Date: 03/12/2008 Message: Great Book I am hoping that they will make a movie out of both Thieves of Heaven and Faith anyway thanks for the great read. |