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 Guest Book 

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Name: James
Date: 09/11/2011
Message: Looking forward to Half-Past Dawn, I loved The 13th Hour and just started reading The Thieves of Darkness, both are terrific.

Name: Barbara Hughes
Date: 09/08/2011
Message: Darkness was great, the 13th Hour was incredible, can't wait for Half Past Dawn!

Name: Allen
Date: 09/05/2011
Message: AWESOME TRAILER, cant wiat to read the book

Name: Nancy Gillan
Date: 09/01/2011
Message: Can't wait to read Half Past Dawn and The Thieves of Legend. I've loved all of your books. Nancy

Name: Craig
Date: 08/31/2011
Message: Glad to see your guest book is back up and working. Loved The Thieves of Darkness, the best yet! Can't wait for The Thieves of Legend and Half-Past Dawn.

Name: Meagan Turner
Date: 08/30/2011
Message: Less than a month, until Half Past Dawn, so excited.Really enjoy your stories!

Name: Justin Carou
Date: 08/27/2011
Message: You do some amazing things, now i know who Michael St. Pierre really is. Nice to see someone squeezing everything out of life.

Name: William DeMicheli
Date: 08/24/2011
Message: Waiting for the next one due out soon !

Name: Steve S.
Date: 08/11/2011
Message: Great Book.

Name: Barbara Speck
Date: 05/03/2011
Message: Just finished Thieves of Darkness. Incredible reading with a metaphysical twist. Makes me confirm my belief in a higher power. Awesome characters. Just ordered 3 more of your books from Amazon. Thank you for your incredible mind and imagination!

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