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Name: Tracy Willis
Date: 12/20/2012
Message: Congratulations on all your success. It has been a long time since the Insignia Construction Management days. I remember once you told me you plan on writing. It is your calling. I wish you and the family a happy and healthy holiday season. Much more success and I look forward to seeing the movies.

Name: Felix Schmidt
Date: 11/21/2012
Message: Dear Mr. Doetsch, My name is Felix Schmidt and come from Germany. I have read your book "The 13th Hour" and am very impressed. I am so impressed with your book that I want to hold a talk about her book at my school. Course I did a lot of research and have found it, you have taken 7 characters from other movies or books. These 7 characters I'd like to bring in my talk with the application. Here's my check, it would be possible that you could me the 7 signs betrayed or just a few? Of course I have you ever searched for the characters, but my search was unsuccessful. I hope you can help me further. With dear greetings Felix Schmidt P.S. Excuse me if my english is not so good.

Name: Rosemary Page
Date: 08/30/2012
Message: I just read the Thieves of Heaven and enjoyed it so very much. I am happy to see there are other books out there by you to chose from. Thieves of Heaven is worthy of a movie!!!! It was awesome!

Name: David Doetsch
Date: 07/13/2012
Message: I have seen your books in stores and since we have the same last name I finally got one of your books at the library. I have only read a few pages of "The Thieves of Darkness " but I'm impressed so far.

Name: Rick Jones
Date: 05/13/2012
Message: Without a doubt one of the best authors in the circuit today.

Name: Suzanne Dahl
Date: 04/04/2012
Message: Any plans for a film production of The 13th Hour? Have read many a book that I felt should be films and they were. Wish I could get paid for suggesting books for movies. really enjoyed this novel very much. Thank you, Suzanne Dahl

Name: Patty Grady
Date: 02/05/2012
Message: Glad you reactivated your guest book, I see you deleted some overzealous fan comments. Some fans just want to show their love in more aggressive ways. I finished Half Past Dawn in December and I want you to know it was amazing. You create such rich characters and intricate plots that I know I'm always in for a treat when I pick up one of you books. I can't wait for The Thieves of Legend. Now, I know you're a Giant fan, so don't take this the wrong way but the Patriots are going to win 27 - 24.

Name: Tina S.
Date: 01/26/2012
Message: You write great books, I loved The 13th Hour and Half Past Dawn, can't wait to read your others. Don't take this the wrong way, but looks, brains, and athleticism is VERY rare combination. You look you should star in your own movies. Kudos!

Name: Richard Doetsch
Date: 12/31/2011
Message: As 2011 draws to a close, I just want to say thank you to everyone who picked up and read one of my novels this year. Of all the entertainment mediums, it requires a true commitment of time--which in this day and age is one of our scarcest resources--and the fact that you spent that time with a Doetsch book means more to me than you could know. And a double thanks to those who took the time to drop me a note, there is nothing better for an author than to connect with a reader. So, thanks again!!! Wishing you a Happy New Year and that 2012 is filled with the realization of your greatest wishes and dreams. All my best, Richard

Name: Phil
Date: 12/27/2011
Message: It was a Doetsch Christmas in our house. All three Thieves books and Half Past Dawn. I loved The 13th Hour so much, my wife bought me your other novels. Hope you had a great Christmas, Happy New Year!!!

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