Name: Sheila Mays Date: 12/23/2011 Message: Merry Christmas, Richard!!! Thank you to my favorite author for so many entertaining novels. I can't wait to see what you bring in 2012! Name: Charlotte Sanderson Date: 12/20/2011 Message: The Michael St. Pierre books are great. Two down and the 3rd ready in my hands. When the new book is out I will be ready! Name: Nick Pak Date: 12/17/2011 Message: I never liked reading books. I always found them boring until I came across "The 13th Hour" at Barnes and Nobles. This book is just a masterpiece and I have recommended it to all my friends. Please write books like "The 13th Hour". Name: Andrew Hauser Date: 11/28/2011 Message: Over the last two weeks, I read Half Past Dawn, loved it so much, I read The 13th Hour, amazing, so then I bought The Thieves of Darkness. All I can say is you're an amazing writer, 3 great stories, all different, all incredible. Name: Christina Date: 11/22/2011 Message: I enjoy how you always engage your fans. So many authors live in a different world and don't respond, not sure why. Thanks for all of your great books, you fans love you. Happy Thanksgiving. Name: Richard Doetsch Date: 11/21/2011 Message: Thanks for all of the great comments, there's nothing better than not only getting such amazing feedback, but knowing that people appreciate what you create! Sorry for the inappropriate comments that appeared, while they had good intentions and meant well, this channel is really rated pg-13 at best. Hope all is well with all! Name: Georgiana Dorbuck Date: 11/14/2011 Message: Just wanted you to know that Half Past Dawn was the best book I ever read. Thanks for a great read, On my way to the library to see what else they have that you wrote. Name: Pam Meyer Date: 11/13/2011 Message: Loved Half Past Dawn so much, Richard, I'm giving it as a gift for the holidays. Can't wait for The Thieves of Legend Name: Kevin Mitchell Date: 11/10/2011 Message: I really enjoyed Half Past Dawn and The 13th Hour. Have just started The Thieves of Heaven, fantastic! Name: Christine Date: 11/10/2011 Message: Half Past Dawn was great, you have a scary imagination! I was wondering if your life was as crazy and as fast paced as your stories, but then i saw your pictures... Big yes! |