Name: The Sunset Narrows Book Club Date: 02/08/2008 Message: Message: Our book club just finished your book ( we read The Thieves of Heaven last year and loved it). We're 21 members strong. I would like you to know that it was universally loved which is rare for our group. You have a way of making the heart race but also you fill the heart with warmth. The common comment was you are the best thriller writer today (pretty bold statement for a bunch of mid-west book-lovers). Your characters are three dimensional, your stories are rich, you have a great feel for pacing and we learn something in the process. We anxiously await The Thieves of Darkness. Warmly, Elizabeth Conte and The Sunset Narrows Book Club. Name: Chuck Laretts Date: 02/08/2008 Message: Loved it. Name: Steve and Sylvia Preston Date: 02/08/2008 Message: We love your books. We finish them quick but talk about them for hours Name: Marty Finemore Date: 02/07/2008 Message: Thank you for the kind response to my questions. I thought Faith was great. I just started Heaven and you hooked me on page one. Your books are like a roller coaster and a puzzle, i get so addicted. Name: Adam B. Date: 02/07/2008 Message: Loved TTOF. Just received TTOH and was blown away by the opening. Name: Jenna Varick Date: 02/07/2008 Message: Okay, I just figured you out. Giant fan, Red Wing fan, Yankee fan, you jump off bridges, scuba dive and do some pretty hair raising stuff; your dedications to your wife are from the heart; you've got the dogs... Michael St. Pierre is you. More than any other character I've read be it Cussler, Berry, Rollins, King, Crichton, Grisham you are the character that I imagined in your book come to life. Very cool, very well done. I love your books and hope to meet you some day. Name: Joyce Schierha Date: 02/07/2008 Message: Mr. Doetsch, Congratulations on such a thrilling novel, one of the best complete stories I have read in the last five years. Fast, heartfelt, intelligent, I didn't want it to end. I ordered The Thieves of Heaven by overnight, I can't wait. Name: Jim Hauser Date: 02/07/2008 Message: Wow, great story. I couldn't put it down. I think Michael St. Pierre is one of the best characters out there, better and more real than Dirk Pitt who was once my favorite. Your underwater scenes blew Clive Cussler away, I felt like I was drowning during the cistern scene. What ever you do, don't stop writing. Name: Hollis Barrie Date: 02/07/2008 Message: I absolutely loved The Thieves of Faith. It will be my book club selection for May. I know they will all love it. Congratulations. Hollis Barrie Name: Ian Wetzel Date: 02/06/2008 Message: The only thing more exciting than The Thieves of Faith was The Giants winning the Super Bowl. Something that I'm sure both you and Michael St. Pierre can understand and agree with. Go Giants!!!! |