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Name: Veronika
Date: 01/16/2008
Message: Stopping by to say hi and thanks for such a great book. You blow Dan Brown away.

Name: Rebecca
Date: 01/15/2008
Message: I'm cuddling up with The Thieves of Faith. I can't put it down. The dedications to your wife in The Thieves of Heaven and The Thieves of Faith gave me chills. Did they break the mold when they made you?

Name: Ruth McGee
Date: 01/15/2008
Message: I would like to know if Richard will be writing the script for The Thieves of Heaven movies. I really enjoyed the book.

Name: Tyra
Date: 01/15/2008
Message: I just bought the last copy at my local Borders. I read the prologue and was hooked. Can't wait to finish

Name: Robert Baois
Date: 01/14/2008
Message: Hi, Richard I finished your book this weekend. Outstanding. So unique, it was a really good thriller. I gave it to my dad, I figured that was the fitting person to give it to. Can't wait for you next one. Robert

Name: Art Campos
Date: 01/11/2008
Message: Great books, enjoyed them both. Col web site, kind of mysterious. Keep those books coming.

Name: Ruth McGee
Date: 01/11/2008
Message: Richard - Remember me - from OAM,Inc. I am truly proud of your accomplishments. I have just purchased both of your books and am looking forward to reading them.

Name: Melinda K.
Date: 01/11/2008
Message: I just finished The Thieves of Heaven, I picked up and read The Thieves of Faith last week. Both books were outstanding. Original, emotional, thrilling. I have one question: where did you come from? These book are complex, detailed, filled with great characters and very well paced. Your bio shows no other background in writing yet these stories are not first time author books. Are you writing under an alias with a hired model posing as you? If my suspicions are wrong, I apoligize. Whatever the case may be, great job and keeping these books coming. Melinda, your new fan.

Name: Kari Pirrata
Date: 01/09/2008
Message: I have never read 529 pages as fast as I read your book. That was so much fun. Thanks, Kari

Name: Carol
Date: 01/07/2008
Message: What a wonderful surprise. I had expectations but you exceeded them a thousand fold. Thanks

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