Name: Laurie Dunlap Date: 09/26/2010 Message: Hello. Your books ar fabulous. How intriguing that your characters jump out of planes, climb, swim, etc... just like you. You must lead a fun life. Name: Edie Langhorn Date: 09/26/2010 Message: The Thieves of Darkness was amazing. Just started The 13th Hour, what an opening!!! Great work! Name: Brett Horan Date: 09/26/2010 Message: Not even finished with The Thieves of Darkness and its the best book I've read this year. Name: Linda Cohen Date: 09/24/2010 Message: The only problem with finishing The Thieves of Darkness is having to wait for your next. Nice work! Name: Randi Date: 09/22/2010 Message: Bravo! Another great novel! Name: Paul Gotsegan Date: 09/22/2010 Message: Mr.Doetsch. I've been a fan since your first book. It's amazing that in less than a year you release Embassy, The 13th Hour, and The Thieves of Darkness, I thoroughly loved them all!!! Thank you, and keep them coming. Name: Janice Date: 09/22/2010 Message: Your books are great. I really loved The 13th HOur Name: Alissa Date: 09/22/2010 Message: Great interview tonight. You were so interesting and full of life. Would love to see you in person, will your booltour bring you to Chicago? Name: Dave Date: 09/21/2010 Message: Love the skydiving, it was like I was there,sucked me right in and took me on a great rollercoaster ride. Great book!! Name: Mark Premus Date: 09/20/2010 Message: I read The 13th Hour while on vacation and loved it, picked up The Thieves of Darkness last week and loved it just as much. Fantastic books, I really enjoy your style and story telling ability! |