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Name: Liam
Date: 02/17/2011
Message: Alright, your characters are based on you and your friends; you do some crazy things that most wouldnever consider doing that influences your writing; so, what have you done lately so we can get a hint of your next book?

Name: Pat
Date: 02/16/2011
Message: Interesting newsletter! Reading you books is like getting to know you. Thanks

Name: Simone Lagudice
Date: 02/13/2011
Message: Happy V-Day to my favorite author!!!

Name: Kate
Date: 02/10/2011
Message: Thanks for the newsletter!!! Love the updates, so excited

Name: Grant Pearce
Date: 01/23/2011
Message: What a tremendous book. I was hooked from the first page and read it through in one sitting. Outstanding. I'll be going out to find the first two books.

Name: Jim M. Gau
Date: 01/18/2011
Message: Just finished "The 13th. Hour", and loved every minute of it: past/present/& future!Also love the "Thieves" series, which "steals the hearts" of thriller-readers everywhere!

Name: Ken
Date: 01/13/2011
Message: Just read The Thieves of Darkness and The 13th Hour. Back to back. Awesome stuff, great books. Just ordered your others on Amazon. Keep them coming.

Name: Joanne Thiel
Date: 01/10/2011
Message: Love your books, saw you on TV last week. You speak as well as your write. Please let us know where we can see you.

Name: Hal
Date: 01/01/2011
Message: Happy 2011. Can't wait for the release of your next two novels. I'm so excited!!!!

Name: Cathy
Date: 12/22/2010
Message: Loved Darkness. Have stocked up on Richard Doetsch for the holidays! Merry Christmas!

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