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 Guest Book 

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Name: Lisa Switzer
Date: 08/07/2008
Message: Love the books, you are by far my favorite author and the best looking writer I've ever seen. Handsome, brilliant, with a great sense of adventure. If you ran for president, you'd get my vote!!!!

Name: Vanessa
Date: 07/27/2008
Message: Just finished The Thieves of Faith, it was even better than your first which was my favorite book last year. I can't can't can't wait for you next. Cheers!! Vanessa

Name: Sean McCarthy
Date: 07/26/2008
Message: Love your books can't wait for Darkness

Name: Sela
Date: 07/23/2008
Message: Write more!!!!! Please!!!!!! I love your books

Name: Jane Lypon
Date: 07/21/2008
Message: Loved the books, loved you at Thrillerfest. I was so happy to see your panel. What a great surprise that was. For someone so charismatic, you are very humble.

Name: Christina Bails
Date: 07/17/2008
Message: Hi Richard, Happy Birthday. I was at your panel at Thrillerfest. You were fantastic and made it all worthwhile. You're a very funny guy for someone who writes thrillers. I bought both of your books there which you were kind enough to sign and just finished them. They were amazing and the best books i read this year. I can't wait for your next. Thanks for being so entertaining on the page and in person. While your pictures are great, you look even better in person. Christina Bails (the one who said you look like a better version of Pierce Brosnan)

Name: Gin
Date: 07/14/2008
Message: Happy Birthday!!I love you with all my heart.XXOOXX

Name: Mick Prentis
Date: 07/09/2008
Message: Just stopping by to say great, great books!!!!!!!

Name: Terri Ray Blaine
Date: 07/08/2008
Message: I loved The Thieves of Heaven last year and I love Faith even more. Can't wait for Darkness. Please hurry!!!

Name: Jay Woodson
Date: 07/07/2008
Message: My wife gave me The Thieves of Faith after she finished it. Great book, Mr. Doetsch consider me your newest and most loyal fan.

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