Name: Justin Nacht Date: 03/06/2008 Message: Your books sustained me through winter term. Thanks. If page turning, heartfelt, action thrillers have a name... it must be Richard Doetsch. Any hints on the next? Have you written any movies? if not, you should. Justin at UNH Name: Peter and Lisa Westly Date: 03/06/2008 Message: We both really love your books. Left you a message but it looks like it didn't post. When will you being putting up a chapter of The Thieves of Darkness? We usually look forward to movies but your next book is the first book to fill us with anticipation. That hasn't happened with any author either of us have ever read. Name: Dude Date: 03/04/2008 Message: Dude, love your books. From a non-reader like me that says a lot. OAO Name: Lindy Date: 03/03/2008 Message: so glad your site is back up. i wanted to leave you a note that i finished your TToF and loved it. filled with everything i love. Name: Chase Date: 03/01/2008 Message: your books are great. I never read a 500+ page book before. yours went faster than anything i ever read before. i really loved them. Name: Lisa Aarons Date: 02/28/2008 Message: This could make an AWESOME series of movies. It's like James Bond/Indy Jones/Dirk Pitt/Jason Bourne with the heart and passion of William Wallace. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't let them screw it up. For once H'wood should respect the book. Did you get to write the script? If they want to cast an unknown, they should cast you. You got the look plus your insane (judging by your pass time) to do all the flying through the air stuff. I'll bet people would aggree with me. Huh? Name: Misty Gilbert Date: 02/28/2008 Message: What a shock I had this morning when I turned on my TV and saw you and your book. I did not realize you lived in Westchester. I saw you being interviewed this morning and you looked great. I was so surprised to learn you based Byram Hills on Armonk. The books just took on an even greater significance for me. Name: Carrie (with a C) Sanfugue Date: 02/28/2008 Message: Reading all these messages just makes me realize how right I was when I first read the thieves of heaven: You are a great author. The thieves of fiath was everything i hoped it would be. sometimes you buy a book and it stinks, sometimes you buy a book and it's good. well your books are great. And what a cool guy, those pictures are sick!!! I guess you live the life during the day then write about ti at night. Cool. Name: Lisa with an S Date: 02/27/2008 Message: I can't get over how much i enjoyed both your books. What do you have coming out after the thieves of darkness? Name: WILLIAM Date: 02/27/2008 Message: CAN'T WAIT FOR THE THEIEVES OF DARKNESS. READ FAITH IN 2 DAYS. GREAT READING-COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN. GREAT |